BCS product catalogs

BCS product catalogs

BCS product catalogs

BCS product catalogs

BCS product catalogs

We organize the brand and product architecture of a tractor and agricultural machinery manufacturer, for B2B communication with its distributors around the world

We organize the brand and product architecture of a tractor and agricultural machinery manufacturer, for B2B communication with its distributors around the world

We organize the brand and product architecture of a tractor and agricultural machinery manufacturer, for B2B communication with its distributors around the world

We organize the brand and product architecture of a tractor and agricultural machinery manufacturer, for B2B communication with its distributors around the world

We organize the brand and product architecture of a tractor and agricultural machinery manufacturer, for B2B communication with its distributors around the world

Catàlegs de producte BCS – Baku Creativitat – Agència de branding a Terrassa (Barcelona)




In the 40s, engineer Luigi Castoldi —a visionary technician and pioneer in agricultural mechanization— notices how farmer's work involves extremely hard work days. Based on this observation, he projects and builds in 1942 one of the first motorized mowers in the world, a machine that revolutionizes the way of working in the field and improves the quality of life of many farmers. Today, after almost 80 years, BCS Group is a leading company in the manufacture of tractors, motocultors, sawmills and electrical generators, and operates in more than 100 countries with the commercial brands BCS, Ferrari, Pasquali and Mosa.

In the 40s, engineer Luigi Castoldi —a visionary technician and pioneer in agricultural mechanization— notices how farmer's work involves extremely hard work days. Based on this observation, he projects and builds in 1942 one of the first motorized mowers in the world, a machine that revolutionizes the way of working in the field and improves the quality of life of many farmers. Today, after almost 80 years, BCS Group is a leading company in the manufacture of tractors, motocultors, sawmills and electrical generators, and operates in more than 100 countries with the commercial brands BCS, Ferrari, Pasquali and Mosa.

In the 40s, engineer Luigi Castoldi —a visionary technician and pioneer in agricultural mechanization— notices how farmer's work involves extremely hard work days. Based on this observation, he projects and builds in 1942 one of the first motorized mowers in the world, a machine that revolutionizes the way of working in the field and improves the quality of life of many farmers. Today, after almost 80 years, BCS Group is a leading company in the manufacture of tractors, motocultors, sawmills and electrical generators, and operates in more than 100 countries with the commercial brands BCS, Ferrari, Pasquali and Mosa.

In the 40s, engineer Luigi Castoldi —a visionary technician and pioneer in agricultural mechanization— notices how farmer's work involves extremely hard work days. Based on this observation, he projects and builds in 1942 one of the first motorized mowers in the world, a machine that revolutionizes the way of working in the field and improves the quality of life of many farmers. Today, after almost 80 years, BCS Group is a leading company in the manufacture of tractors, motocultors, sawmills and electrical generators, and operates in more than 100 countries with the commercial brands BCS, Ferrari, Pasquali and Mosa.

In the 40s, engineer Luigi Castoldi —a visionary technician and pioneer in agricultural mechanization— notices how farmer's work involves extremely hard work days. Based on this observation, he projects and builds in 1942 one of the first motorized mowers in the world, a machine that revolutionizes the way of working in the field and improves the quality of life of many farmers. Today, after almost 80 years, BCS Group is a leading company in the manufacture of tractors, motocultors, sawmills and electrical generators, and operates in more than 100 countries with the commercial brands BCS, Ferrari, Pasquali and Mosa. 


Client: BCS Ibérica
Services: Editorial design, photography, copywriting, printed production
Team involved: 5

Client: BCS Ibérica
Services: Editorial design, photography, copywriting, printed production
Team involved: 5

Client: BCS Ibérica
Services: Editorial design, photography, copywriting, printed production
Team involved: 5

Client: BCS Ibérica
Services: Editorial design, photography, copywriting, printed production
Team involved: 5

Client: BCS Ibérica
Services: Editorial design, photography, copywriting, printed production
Team involved: 5



The challenge

The challenge

The challenge

BCS Group is a multinational company that manufactures and markets agricultural and industrial machines with four different brands, each with its own products and distribution network. It is complicated —especially for distributors and potential customers— to have a global vision of the company and its product offerings.

The challenge of the project is to communicate the strength of the company and the entire range of products for each of its trademarks —BCS, Ferrari, Pasquali and Mosa— in an attractive and coherent way, showing the technical information and the practical application of each of the machines.

BCS Group is a multinational company that manufactures and markets agricultural and industrial machines with four different brands, each with its own products and distribution network. It is complicated —especially for distributors and potential customers— to have a global vision of the company and its product offerings.

The challenge of the project is to communicate the strength of the company and the entire range of products for each of its trademarks —BCS, Ferrari, Pasquali and Mosa— in an attractive and coherent way, showing the technical information and the practical application of each of the machines.

BCS Group is a multinational company that manufactures and markets agricultural and industrial machines with four different brands, each with its own products and distribution network. It is complicated —especially for distributors and potential customers— to have a global vision of the company and its product offerings.

The challenge of the project is to communicate the strength of the company and the entire range of products for each of its trademarks —BCS, Ferrari, Pasquali and Mosa— in an attractive and coherent way, showing the technical information and the practical application of each of the machines.

BCS Group is a multinational company that manufactures and markets agricultural and industrial machines with four different brands, each with its own products and distribution network. It is complicated —especially for distributors and potential customers— to have a global vision of the company and its product offerings.

The challenge of the project is to communicate the strength of the company and the entire range of products for each of its trademarks —BCS, Ferrari, Pasquali and Mosa— in an attractive and coherent way, showing the technical information and the practical application of each of the machines.

BCS Group is a multinational company that manufactures and markets agricultural and industrial machines with four different brands, each with its own products and distribution network. It is complicated —especially for distributors and potential customers— to have a global vision of the company and its product offerings.

The challenge of the project is to communicate the strength of the company and the entire range of products for each of its trademarks —BCS, Ferrari, Pasquali and Mosa— in an attractive and coherent way, showing the technical information and the practical application of each of the machines.



The process

The process

The process

We have collaborated with BCS Ibérica and BCS Group (Italy) marketing departments in the conceptualization and editorial design of a catalog for each of the brands, which brings together in a single printed document the entire product range and its essential information, previously dispersed in individual catalogs for each model.

The information on each product has been organized based on a grid that structures the contents in a logical order, starting with the name of the machine model and its respective versions, and continuing by its basic technical specifications, levels and lastly the accessories and special configurations. In this way we achieve a smooth and tidy reading, where the defining characteristics of the product are grasped quickly.

In addition to taking charge of the editorial design, the project also demanded the art direction in several photographic sessions that allow us to show the product working in real conditions, as well as copywriting and translation to different languages. To finish, we have supervised the printed production of the catalogs, taking care of the paper selection, the binding and the most appropriate techniques and finishes.

We have collaborated with BCS Ibérica and BCS Group (Italy) marketing departments in the conceptualization and editorial design of a catalog for each of the brands, which brings together in a single printed document the entire product range and its essential information, previously dispersed in individual catalogs for each model.

The information on each product has been organized based on a grid that structures the contents in a logical order, starting with the name of the machine model and its respective versions, and continuing by its basic technical specifications, levels and lastly the accessories and special configurations. In this way we achieve a smooth and tidy reading, where the defining characteristics of the product are grasped quickly.

In addition to taking charge of the editorial design, the project also demanded the art direction in several photographic sessions that allow us to show the product working in real conditions, as well as copywriting and translation to different languages. To finish, we have supervised the printed production of the catalogs, taking care of the paper selection, the binding and the most appropriate techniques and finishes.

We have collaborated with BCS Ibérica and BCS Group (Italy) marketing departments in the conceptualization and editorial design of a catalog for each of the brands, which brings together in a single printed document the entire product range and its essential information, previously dispersed in individual catalogs for each model.

The information on each product has been organized based on a grid that structures the contents in a logical order, starting with the name of the machine model and its respective versions, and continuing by its basic technical specifications, levels and lastly the accessories and special configurations. In this way we achieve a smooth and tidy reading, where the defining characteristics of the product are grasped quickly.

In addition to taking charge of the editorial design, the project also demanded the art direction in several photographic sessions that allow us to show the product working in real conditions, as well as copywriting and translation to different languages. To finish, we have supervised the printed production of the catalogs, taking care of the paper selection, the binding and the most appropriate techniques and finishes.

We have collaborated with BCS Ibérica and BCS Group (Italy) marketing departments in the conceptualization and editorial design of a catalog for each of the brands, which brings together in a single printed document the entire product range and its essential information, previously dispersed in individual catalogs for each model.

The information on each product has been organized based on a grid that structures the contents in a logical order, starting with the name of the machine model and its respective versions, and continuing by its basic technical specifications, levels and lastly the accessories and special configurations. In this way we achieve a smooth and tidy reading, where the defining characteristics of the product are grasped quickly.

In addition to taking charge of the editorial design, the project also demanded the art direction in several photographic sessions that allow us to show the product working in real conditions, as well as copywriting and translation to different languages. To finish, we have supervised the printed production of the catalogs, taking care of the paper selection, the binding and the most appropriate techniques and finishes.

We have collaborated with BCS Ibérica and BCS Group (Italy) marketing departments in the conceptualization and editorial design of a catalog for each of the brands, which brings together in a single printed document the entire product range and its essential information, previously dispersed in individual catalogs for each model.

The information on each product has been organized based on a grid that structures the contents in a logical order, starting with the name of the machine model and its respective versions, and continuing by its basic technical specifications, levels and lastly the accessories and special configurations. In this way we achieve a smooth and tidy reading, where the defining characteristics of the product are grasped quickly.

In addition to taking charge of the editorial design, the project also demanded the art direction in several photographic sessions that allow us to show the product working in real conditions, as well as copywriting and translation to different languages. To finish, we have supervised the printed production of the catalogs, taking care of the paper selection, the binding and the most appropriate techniques and finishes.



The results

The challenge

The challenge

We obtain a singular catalog with individualized brands that make up BCS Group. An ideal document for presenting the company to customers around the world and for prospecting new distributors, which allows BCS's management and commercial team to explain the company and its product range to the full in an extensive and forceful way.

We obtain a singular catalog with individualized brands that make up BCS Group. An ideal document for presenting the company to customers around the world and for prospecting new distributors, which allows BCS's management and commercial team to explain the company and its product range to the full in an extensive and forceful way.

We obtain a singular catalog with individualized brands that make up BCS Group. An ideal document for presenting the company to customers around the world and for prospecting new distributors, which allows BCS's management and commercial team to explain the company and its product range to the full in an extensive and forceful way.

We obtain a singular catalog with individualized brands that make up BCS Group. An ideal document for presenting the company to customers around the world and for prospecting new distributors, which allows BCS's management and commercial team to explain the company and its product range to the full in an extensive and forceful way.

We obtain a singular catalog with individualized brands that make up BCS Group. An ideal document for presenting the company to customers around the world and for prospecting new distributors, which allows BCS's management and commercial team to explain the company and its product range to the full in an extensive and forceful way.

Catàlegs de producte BCS – Baku Creativitat – Agència de branding a Terrassa (Barcelona)
Catàlegs de producte BCS – Baku Creativitat – Agència de branding a Terrassa (Barcelona)
Catàlegs de producte BCS – Baku Creativitat – Agència de branding a Terrassa (Barcelona)
Catàlegs de producte BCS – Baku Creativitat – Agència de branding a Terrassa (Barcelona)
Catàlegs de producte BCS – Baku Creativitat – Agència de branding a Terrassa (Barcelona)
Catàlegs de producte BCS – Baku Creativitat – Agència de branding a Terrassa (Barcelona)
Catàlegs de producte BCS – Baku Creativitat – Agència de branding a Terrassa (Barcelona)
Catàlegs de producte BCS – Baku Creativitat – Agència de branding a Terrassa (Barcelona)

© Baku Creativitat i Comunicació SL

© Baku Creativitat i Comunicació SL

© Baku Creativitat i Comunicació SL

© Baku Creativitat i Comunicació SL

© Baku Creativitat i Comunicació SL